Airship Quests

Special - Material Orc

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Please note, where the image is missing, highlight for the name of the object. This will be fixed soon. The numbers in the corner of the images mean nothing.

Frost Canno n IIcy Dragon Scale Plat e IFrost Engin e ISnowflake Whee l IFrost Hamme r IIcy Dragon Figurehea d I
Frost Cannon ⅡIcy Dragon Scale Plate ⅡFrost Engine ⅡSnowflake Wheel ⅡFrost Hammer ⅡIcy Dragon Figurehead Ⅱ
Frost Cannon  IIIIcy Dragon Scale Plate  IIIFrost Engine  IIISnowflake Wheel  IIIFrost Hammer  IIIIcy Dragon Figurehead  III
Frost Cannon ⅣIcy Dragon Scale Plate ⅣFrost Engine ⅣSnowflake Wheel ⅣFrost Hammer ⅣIcy Dragon Figurehead Ⅳ
Frost Cannon ⅤIcy Dragon Scale Plate ⅤFrost Engine ⅤSnowflake Wheel ⅤFrost Hammer ⅤIcy Dragon Figurehead Ⅴ
Frost Cannon ⅥIcy Dragon Scale Plate ⅥFrost Engine ⅥSnowflake Wheel ⅥFrost Hammer ⅥIcy Dragon Figurehead Ⅵ