Skeleton Warrior


25Own Defense Power Increased22%
50Own Revival Time Decreased3%
100Gold Gain Increased during the battle21%
200Own HP Increased36%
300Own Defense Power Increased22%
500Own HP Increased36%
700A chance to block melee attack increased2%
900Own Defense Power Increased22%
1100Own Defense Power Increased50%
1200Own Defense Power Increased100%
1300Own HP Increased100%

Unit Stats

Attack Power : 30.0 (+3.0)
HP : 161.5 (+16.15)
Physical Defense : 3.6 (+0.36)
Magical Defense : 6.15 (+0.615)
Attack Speed : 60
Movement Speed : 1.1
Attack Range : 25
Critical Rate : 0.2%
Critical Damage : 0.5
Respawn Time : 150

Unit Attacks and Abilities

+General Attack : Make 2 consecutive short distance physical attacks +Skill Attack : With 1.5 times enhanced attack power, make 6 consecutive attacks, become transparent for a certain amount of time and nullify ranged attacks from distant enemies. Enemies attacked 6 in a row will be slowed down in their movement and attack speed for a certain amount of time +Special Ability : None

Signature Equipment

Coming Soon™