Senior Ice Spirit


25One's(Own) Tribe's HP Increased50%
50One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased70%
100One's(Own) Tribe's Moving Speed Increased3%
200One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Power Increased27%
300One's(Own) Tribe's Moving Speed Increased3%
500One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Speed Increased2%
700A chance to avoid ranged attack increased5%
900One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Power Increased27%
1100Ranged units' Attack Speed Increased2%
1200One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased100%
1300One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Power Increased600%
1400One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Power Increased1.10a%
1500One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased5.20a%
1600One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Power Increased52.00a%
1700One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased420.00a%
1800One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased660.00a%
1900One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased950.00a%
2000One's(Own) Tribe's Attack Power Increased8.10b%

Unit Stats

Attack Power : 60.0 (+6.0)
HP : 462.0 (+46.2)
Physical Defense : 4.0 (+0.4)
Magical Defense : 6.5 (+0.65)
Attack Speed : 60
Movement Speed : 1.12
Attack Range : 158
Critical Rate : 0.2%
Critical Damage : 0.5
Respawn Time : 150

Unit Attacks and Abilities

+ Normal Attack: Throws ice fragments to freeze nearby enemies.
+ Skill Attack: Distorts space to inflict damage on enemies, and transports them backwards. (Transports units with lower ranks at a very high percentage, and units of the same rank at a low chance. When having the same rank (6 stars), higher possibility to transport enemy to the rear when Transcend is higher.)
+ Special Ability 1: Temporarily freezes nearby enemies when killed.
+ Special Ability 2: Raises the basic speed of game by 8%.
+ Special Ability 3: Increases movement speed and attack range of orc units by 6%.
+ Special Ability 4: Immune to paralysis.
+ Innervate: Reduces raid skill cool-time by 3%. (Innervate can be stacked, but cannot exceed 40%. Also applies when units are in Time Shop.)

# Trans Material 1


# Trans Material 2


# Trans Material 3


Signature Equipment

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