Senior Ent


25Own HP Increased61%
50Quest Gold Increased28%
100Own Attack Power Increased31%
200Own Defense Power Increased37%
300Own HP Increased61%
500A chance to block melee attack increased9%
700Own Attack Power Increased31%
900Own Critical Strike Damage Increased95%
1100All units' Defense Power Increased100%
1200Own Defense Power Increased500%
1300All units' HP Increased2.00a%
1400One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased800%
1500All units' Defense Power Increased4.00a%
1600One's(Own) Tribe's Defense Power Increased35.00a%
1700All units' HP Increased600.00a%
1800One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased210.00a%
1900All units' Defense Power Increased540.00a%
2000One's(Own) Tribe's Critical Strike Damage Increased2.25b%

Unit Stats

Attack Power : 75.0 (+7.5)
HP : 798.0 (+79.8)
Physical Defense : 21.0 (+2.1)
Magical Defense : 11.2 (+1.12)
Attack Speed : 65
Movement Speed : 0.776
Attack Range : 35
Critical Rate : 0.2%
Critical Damage : 0.5
Respawn Time : 150

Unit Attacks and Abilities

+General Attack: Damage all ( surrounding ) enemies and has a chance to stun.
+Skill Attack: Blow attack a number of enemies and restore your HP. Either cast a shield immune to magical attacks or a shield immune to physical attacks in a random order.
+Special Ability: Immune to knock back, when attacked with knock back, cast a shield which protects against 99% of the damage

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Signature Equipment

Coming Soon™